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Tourism in Cotacachi
Tourism in Cotacachi

  • The handycraft market of Otavalo makes famos this little town in Imbabura. The bigger market is every Saturday, but you can visit this indigenous market every day of the week.

La Cascada de Peguche
  • The waterfall "Cascada de Peguche" is located at ten minutes to the north of Otavalo and is one of the natural and espiritual scenes of the zone.
The City of Cotacachi lies between Otavalo and Ibarra in the county of Imbabura. 
The canton Santa Ana of Cotacachi has a surface of 1.809 km2 and 38.000 inhabitants. July 6 1.861 Cotacachi became Canton. 
Cotacachi is known for its handicrafts in leather and wool. 

There is an interesting culinary offer.
The City of Cotacachi is 15 minutes by car from Otavalo and 30 minutes from Ibarra in the province of Imbabura.

The Santa Ana de Cotacachi canton has an area of 1,809 km2 and 38,000 inhabitants. On July 6, 1861, the cantonization of Cotacachi was held.
The Cotacachi canton also has an agricultural production, especially of dairy products, and flowers and asparagus for export.
The city received the "Cities for Peace" award from Unesco, and also the "Digital Cities" Award.
Cotacachi has a temperate climate with an average temperature of 18 ° C.

Community tourism is offered in the surrounding communities and in Cotacachi: Apuela, Plaza Gutiérrez, Vacas Galindo, Peñaherrera, Cuellaje, García Moreno, Imantag and Quiroga. This service often includes lodging, walks, visits to waterfalls and lagoons, local cuisine, crafts and music: more information in the Municipality and with local guides.
  • In the Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve there is the famous Cuycocha lagoon.

  • From the city of Cotacachi, the Cuicocha Lagoon can be reached in 20 minutes, which is at the foot of the Cotacachi volcano (4,944 m).
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Arte en Cotacachi Imbabura
Cuicocha se encuentra al extremo sur de la reserva ecológica Cotacachi-Cayapas
Ilustre Municipio de Cotacachi
+593 (0) 6-2915115
Se llega a la Laguna Cuicocha en 20 minutos desde Cotacachi
Participación Ciudadana en Cotacachi
Cámara Provincial de Turismo CAPTI
Tel: (593) 06-2642531
Gobierno Provincial Imbabura
Tel: (593) 06-2955832
Parque Central Cotacachi Imbabura
Hoteless Hotels Hosterias Lodge Hospedajes
Feria de artesanías de OtavaloHandwerksmarkt craft fair
Imbabura - Provincia Ecuador Mapas Maps Landkarten Mapa Map Landkarte
Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi Cayapas
  • The Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi Cayapas has an access from the town of Cotacachi. The Reservate has a surface of 204.420 ha.
  • San Miguel de Ibarra, the "White City", is the capital of the province of Imbabura. Ibarra is known for its handycrafts in wood and lether, its "arrope de mora" (blackberry syrup) and its "helados de paila (homemade icecream).

  • The city and the district of Cayambe together with the Nevado Cayambe are worth visiting.
  • Guayllabamba is famous for its "Zoo of Quito". Guayllabamba lies between Cayambe and Quito.

Reserva Ecológica Cayambe Coca
  • The Cayambe Coca Ecologic Reservate has access from the town of Cayambe. The Reservate has a surface of  403.103 ha including the Navado Cayambe.